UCLA-NUS Executive MBA

The UCLA-NUS Executive MBA program is a joint program by University of California, Los Angeles (Anderson) and the National University of Singapore. It allows senior executives from anywhere in the world to participate in. The program’s slogan is “Four countries. Two top universities. Two degrees. One extraordinary experience.”


About the Schools

UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management was established in 1935 and provides management education to more than 1,300 students enrolled in full-time, part-time and executive MBA and doctoral programs.

UCLA Anderson and many of its academic programs and departments are perennially ranked among the best in the world. Award-winning faculty renowned for their research and teaching, rigorous academic programs, successful alumni and world-class facilities combine to provide an extraordinary and practical learning environment.

One of the most technologically advanced business school campuses in the world today, UCLA Anderson utilizes computing and communication technologies that have transformed management education.

All UCLA Anderson's academic programs, student and alumni activities and organizations, career management services, academic centers and administrative programs share in this mission to be a global leader in management education, research and service.

NUS Business School

NUS Business School is the first in ASEAN and among the firsts in Asia-Pacific to be accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for meeting the highest standards of achievement in education and research for business schools worldwide and as a full academic member of the esteemed CEMS (previously known as Community of European Management Schools and International Companies).

By invitation from the Board of Directors of GMAC (the administrative body for GMAT), the School has been representing the Southeast Asian region as a governing school of GMAC since 2000. The School is also a "Non-European" member of the international network for excellence in management development (EFMD).

As part of the National University of Singapore, a top globally ranked university, NUS Business School shares the University's global reputation for academic excellence in education, research and service. And NUS being a comprehensive university with disciplines in medicine, architecture, engineering, computing, law, social sciences, and more, we are in a unique position to leverage on the breadth and depth of the University, including accessing a vast and highly diverse student body of over 33,000 students on campus and a global network of over 177,000 alumni.

The Faculty

The mainstay of UCLA Anderson and NUS Business School’s programs is the international faculty. UCLA Anderson faculty has been ranked #1 in Intellectual Capital in two consecutive biennial Surveys conducted by BusinessWeek. NUS is consistently ranked among the top three universities in Asia.

The UCLA – NUS EMBA faculty members have been specifically selected from both Schools’ full-time MBA programs for their expertise and appreciation of the working executive. The faculty work as a team and familiarity with the work and teaching of colleagues ensures that the curriculum is well integrated across course modules.

Sushil Bikhchandani
Ph.D. Stanford University
UCLA Professor - Policy, Decisions, Operations and Technology Management
Associate Professor
Audrey Chia
Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
NUS Associate Professor - Management & Organization
Adjunct Professor
Rachel Davis
Ph.D. University of Illinois
NUS Adjunct Professor - Business Policy
Christopher L. Erickson
UCLA Academic Director - UCLA – NUS EMBA Program
UCLA Professor - Human Resources & Organizational Behavior
Adjunct Professor
Robert F. Foster
MBA, UCLA Anderson
UCLA Adjunct Professor - Decisions, Operations & Technology Management
Carla Hayn
Ph.D. University of Michigan
UCLA Professor - Accounting
Associate Professor
Ho Yew Kee
Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University
NUS Associate Professor - Finance & Accounting
Sanford M. Jacoby
Ph.D. UC Berkeley
Howard Noble Chair in Management
UCLA Professor - Human Resources & Organizational Behavior
Associate Professor
Lan Luh Luh
NUS Associate Professor - Business Policy
John W. Mamer
Ph.D. UC Berkeley
UCLA Professor - Policy and Decisions, Operations & Technology Management
Associate Professor
Daniel McAllister
Ph.D. UC Irvine
NUS Associate Professor - Management & Organization
Ivan Png
Ph.D. Stanford University
NUS Professor - Business Policy
Rakesh K. Sarin
Paine Chair in Management
UCLA Professor - Decisions, Operations & Technology Management
Associate Professor
Kai-Alexander Schlevogt
Ph.D. University of Oxford
NUS Professor - Business Policy
Hans Schöllhammer
D.B.A., Indiana University
UCLA Professor - Global Economics & Management
Kulwant Singh
Ph.D. University of Michigan
NUS Professor - Business Policy
Associate Professor
Sanjay Sood
Ph.D. Stanford University
UCLA Associate Professor - Marketing
Christopher S. Tang
Ph.D. Yale University
Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration
UCLA Professor - Decisions, Operations & Technology Management
Walter N. Torous
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Lee and Seymour Graff Endowed Professorship
UCLA Professor - Finance
Associate Professor
Jochen Wirtz
Ph.D. London Business School
NUS Academic Director - UCLA – NUS EMBA Program
NUS Associate Professor - Marketing
Associate Professor
Shi Zhang
Ph.D. Columbia University
UCLA Associate Professor - Marketing

Program Highlights


The UCLA – NUS Executive MBA general management curriculum consists of 16 course modules and a two-part Management Practicum conducted via 6 two-week sessions spanning a 15-month period. Participants spend two sessions each at UCLA in Los Angeles and NUS in Singapore, and one each in Shanghai and Bangalore. The course modules outlined below are subject to periodic curriculum review by UCLA and NUS and are subject to change.

Leadership and Managerial Skills

Combines comparative (East-West) sociological and psychological perspectives on management to provide for an understanding of the imperatives of managing complex organizations as well as enhancing leadership and managerial skills.

Asian Business Environment

Provides a foundation for the understanding of the economic and political environments of business in Asia.

Economic Analysis for Managers

Develops principles of microeconomics to enable managers to more effectively manage customers, suppliers, competitors, employees, and the regulatory environment. Participants will learn when and how to apply quantitative and qualitative tools in situations of scarce resources, competition, and imperfect markets.

Financial Accounting

Familiarizes the manager with functions of accounting by focusing on the use of external financial reports to evaluate corporate performance and the use of accounting information for internal planning and control.

Data Analysis & Management Decisions

Studies statistical model building with emphasis on managerial interpretation of statistical summary data. The course also covers classic statistics through multiple regression analysis to support subsequent courses in finance and marketing.

Marketing Strategy & Policy

Covers strategic marketing decisions, including development of marketing objectives and strategies and implementation of these strategies through pricing, channel, promotion and new product decisions.

Logistics and Operations Management

Introduces participants to the functional areas of logistics and operations management, with a focus on more current developments and their strategic and managerial significance.

Corporate Governance, Business Law & Ethics

Discusses the importance of corporate governance and the mechanisms that help control managerial behavior. The law and ethics section also enables participants to think critically about contemporary ethical issues and dilemmas faced by businesses and their stakeholders.

Corporate Finance

Covers some of the most important topics in managerial finance. Emphasis is placed on the optimal allocation of resources for both individuals and corporations.

Negotiations Behavior

Presents theoretical principles and concepts from psychology, sociology and economics through lectures and readings, with focus primarily on improving practical negotiating skills through experiential learning (i.e., negotiations simulations).

Corporate Entrepreneurship

Covers the activities involved in creating and exploiting new and innovative resource combinations in the context of existing corporations. The course focuses primarily on managerial efforts aimed at the identification, development and exploitation of technical and organizational innovations, the management of new product or process developments, and on effective new venture management.

International Management Strategies

Studies economic and business decisions in an international context, with emphasis on formulation and implementation of management strategies in multinational enterprises. The course discusses application of concepts of international economic analysis and exploration of international corporate strategies.

Contemporary Issues in Business (Services Marketing & Customer Asset Management)

Services Marketing focuses on the marketing and managing of services and complements the module: Marketing Strategy and Policy. Customer Asset Management focuses on acquiring, serving and retaining customers through managing customer lifetime value, customer segmentation, data mining and the application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) instruments such as loyalty programs.

Competitive Strategy & Business Policy

Focuses on how general managers enhance and sustain business performance. The course covers analytical and conceptual tools that are aids to the development of judgment. The fundamental focus, however, is not on tools but on sharpening skills to develop more robust judgments in the face of uncertainty and complexity.

Management of Technology & Innovation

Discusses the problems of managing technological innovation in Asia and the United States. Topics include the incorporation of technological considerations in strategy, adoption of technological innovation, promotion of innovation through organizational design and leadership, and E-business and M-business.

Strategic Leadership & Strategy Implementation

Designed to address several fundamental aspects of leading complex organizations, this course places particular emphasis on the importance of developing well-aligned, high performance organizations and the challenges of leading change in organizations. The primary goals of this course are to enable students to develop an organized point of view on strategic leadership, and increase awareness of themselves as leaders.

Management Practicum

The Management Practicum, a double-credit course spanning two-quarters, is an extensive consulting project designed to allow UCLA – NUS Executive MBA participants an opportunity to “test-drive” their management skills, and apply the frameworks and tools acquired in the program to real-life business dilemmas. The projects challenge participants to analyze and resolve complex business issues often growing out of the corporate employer’s context. The integrative and extensive consulting project allows participants to work with a broad range of organizations to define and solve strategic problems, explore business opportunities, enhance organizational competitiveness, and improve organizational and managerial effectiveness.

Each team works on a specific problem or topic that is related to the strategic direction of the firm and is cross-functional in nature, in that it requires each team to research and analyze issues from the perspective of more than one business function. The Management Practicum also focuses on strategic issues that are international or multinational in scope and that bridge key Pacific Rim countries.

The UCLA – NUS Executive MBA participants and company representatives agree on a scope of work that will result in a complete, in-depth, strategic business plan at the behest of an organization’s management. The plan can involve:

The business plans generally incorporate financial, marketing, operational and strategic recommendations based on extensive primary and secondary research that the teams conduct. The plans can include an analysis of the organization’s value proposition in relation to the competitive environment.

Site Visits

The program offers education beyond the classroom, with several visits to various companies, including:

Career Services

Participants will have access to the customized and dedicated career services available at both UCLA Anderson and NUS Business School. The services include:

Admission Requirements

Each prospective candidate of the UCLA - NUS Executive MBA is expected to satisfy the admission requirements of both UCLA Anderson School of Management and NUS Business School.

Requirements for admission are as follows:

External links